If there is any contradiction between the Additional Terms and the Universal Terms, then the Additional Terms shall take precedence in relation to that Service. 如果额外条款的内容和通用条款的内容发生任何冲突,则就该服务内容,应以额外条款为准。
Precedence Relation Matrix of Increasing Expansion 渐进扩展的优先关系矩阵
The blurry accordant matrix keeps away from the characteristic factor matrix while use precedence relation coefficients to describe the project, which can keep away from subjection confirming in the decision-making when there have many qualitative and quantitative factors. 模糊一致矩阵法则避开了特征因子矩阵的建立,利用优先关系系数来描述方案间的优劣,在大量定性因素与定量因素并存的决策中成功地避开了隶属度确定。
The algorithm considers two important characteristics of project plan including project completion time and precedence relation between activities, and makes the capital expenditure flow satisfy the available capital flow in order to improve performability of project plan. 该算法在满足项目交货期和任务优先约束关系的前提下,使项目计划的支出资金流满足盟主企业的可用资金流的约束,从而增强项目计划的可执行性。
The aggregative rank index and the aggregative precedence relation between the alternatives are proposed. 定义了方案的集团序指标和方案的集团优先关系。
This paper gives a method for partitioning a sequential program into parallel tasks The key in the method is how to construct the task graph with precedence relation through recognizing the parallel loop tasks and parallel procedural tasks. 给出了一种将串行程序划分成并行任务的方法。该方法的关键是如何通过识别并行循环任务和并行过程任务来构造具有优先关系的任务图。
The processing precedence relation of the dynamic variations in the concurrent process planning is described with the expansion matrix, which forms the generative process of the matrix with the state transformation and the expansion process with the iterative increment. 应用扩展矩阵描述并行工艺规划中动态变化的优先关系,通过状态转化构造矩阵的动态生成,通过迭代递进形成扩展过程,主要算法步骤是:①构造约束集合;
An inference method based on the assembly precedence relation matrix is adopted to verify the feasibility of the assembly sequence and the assembly intervene numbers in an assembly sequence are yielded. At last, the validity of proposed model is verified. 采用了基于优先关系矩阵的干涉推理方法检验装配序列的可行性,并计算装配序列中可能产生的装配干涉数目,最后用实例验证了所提模型的有效性。